I would like to make some custom switches to use in automations for a few different things but can’t wrap my head around how to do it in the configuration. Can someone point me to appropriate examples?
I have two light switches - switch.switch1 and switch.switch2. I want to combine them into one toggle switch ie switch.room1. I know I can put them in a group and toggle the group, but I’d like to include a single switch in a list on the UI for both. How?
I have MPD set up as a media player on the Pi HA is running on. How can I make a switch to turn it on / off ? I could call media_player.media_play and media_stop or do it via the command line but how?
Is there any way to pause/resume Sabnzbd by using a HA toggle switch? It seems like this should be possible but I can’t figure it out.
Thank you for any guidance, I read the switch and template guides but I can’t wrap my head around how to accomplish these.