Making use of pigpio


I have following the guide on Py-Somfy to control my blinds and have this working in isolation.

I am now working on a custom component to control the blinds from Home Assistant. Everything has gone smoothly so far, but now I am at the point where Pi-Somfy is connecting to the GPIO pins with this code:

pi = pigpio.pi() # connect to Pi
if not pi.connected:

My problem is that pi.connected on my HassOS Pi always returns False. Is there a way to tunnel through to the GPIO pins from the docker container? Or does Home Assistant have some other way of communicating with the pins?

I’ve looked at the rpi_gpio integration, though I’m not sure it gives the access needed to make Py-Somfy work.

With a bit more reading it seems pigpio makes use of a daemon to communicate with the GPIO pins. And this daemon doesn’t ship with HassOS.

To me it looks like making a pigpio addon might help me get around this. Unless such and addon already exists? I’ve googled some, but haven’t found one.