Manifest.json pending download

Admittedly this is not a project, it’s a recurring problem I’m having, but after spending the better part of half an hour to figure out where to post it, this is the only section vaguely close.

So here we go: at random my HA interface gets inaccessible both from the browser as well as from my iOS app.
The only symptom I was able to find is the manifest.json stuck on pending.

If I ssh in my pi to check if any process overloads it, but nothing:

  • htop shows all cores chilling in the low single digits percent.
  • docker logs -f homeassistant, as well as the other containers logs, are silent or at most showing access logs i.e.:
21-12-28 16:47:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize
21-12-28 16:47:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize
21-12-28 16:47:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_nodered
21-12-28 16:47:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request running
21-12-28 16:47:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_nodered
21-12-28 16:47:36 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request running
21-12-28 17:06:58 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.api] Updated Home Assistant API token

This seems to happen at random and the only “fix” I found so far is to keep rebooting the pi until HA starts working again. Not very helpful to understand what/why.

I haven’t added a new device to my home for ages, and the whole system might work fine for weeks, and then all the sudden boom, this happens.

Anyone perhaps experiencing the same issue and/or having any idea on what might cause this?

I also moved my recorder to maria DB, with a DB installed on a totally different machine to exclude a possible painful point but it didn’t help at all.

Perhaps your SD Card is failing. Be sure you have a good backup somewhere other than on the SD Card.

all the HA data is stored in a dedicated HD.
And it always happened, it’s years I’m experiencing this and in those years I’ve migrated from a pi3 to a pi4, so idk :frowning: new SD included.

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Oh wow, does this really happens only to me? (I know for a fact a friend of mine has the same issue)

I have similar issue. Did you find a reason?

Nope, still nothing and pretty much not a clue.

The only thing I’ve noticed, but take it with a grain of salt since I’ve no hard data in it, it’s that it seems to happen when my house looses connectivity (either IP renew from my ISP, temporary line hick-up or my AP going briefly bonkers).
Unfortunately HA’s logs are so polluted that docker logs doesn’t help.