Manual Alarm delay time

Hi. I have a problem configuring the manual alarm component.

  - platform: manual
    delay_time: 0
    pending_time: 8
    trigger_time: 120

Every time I call the alarm_control_panel.alarm_trigger service, I have to wait the pending_time (8 seconds) before the alarm is triggered. While I should wait for the delay_time (0 second).

Am I wrong ?


Some bad grammar in those configuration variable explanations but no I don’t think you are wrong. Open an issue:

I’ve bookmarked the page to go back to it and fix the document grammar when I get a chance.

The delay_time will only delay trigger, while pending_time will delay both from disarmed and triggered state.

Ex: disarmed > pending_time > armed > delay_time > pending_time > trigger

From the module code:

    Representation of an alarm status.
    When armed, will be pending for 'pending_time', after that armed.
    When triggered, will be pending for the triggering state's 'delay_time'
    plus the triggered state's 'pending_time'.
    After that will be triggered for 'trigger_time', after that we return to
    the previous state or disarm if `disarm_after_trigger` is true.
    A trigger_time of zero disables the alarm_trigger service.

That’s not how I would have expected it to work but does fit with the variable explanations now that I read it again.

@2t0m If you want an alarm with separate delays have a look at this custom component:

It has changed quite a bit from that first post so scan down the thread.

It has a few pull requests active on github and so you’ll need to edit a couple of files to remove the bugs but other than that it is a fine system.

That was not clear for me either. But with those explanations, I manage to get what I want.

  - platform: manual
    pending_time: 0
      pending_time: 30

Immediate triggering (via pending_time: 0) but a pending_time of 30 seconds before arming away.
