Manual alarm panel makes no sense to me? Can't I keep the triggered state?

Hey fellow HA community, I enjoy the manual alarm panel but I think I am missing a crucial point or I want to use it differently.

My setup and problem: When I arrive at home I set the alarm to “unarmed”, when I leave its set to “armed_away” by pressing an IKEA Tradfri on/off switch. So far so good, however I used it so that if a door/window sensor changes state to open while the alarm is in “armed_away”-mode, I trigger an alarm sound and red flashing/pulsating hue lights. Now here comes the quirk: If the alarm is already triggered and I open another window, the flashing/sounds are retriggered, because that opening of another window counts as a trigger aswell. So my conclusion was: I need another state: the “alarm_triggered state”. So I looked through the manual alarm panel docs and to my liking I see that you can indeed trigger the alarm. So far so good, setup a condition that whenever the alarm is in triggered state it can’t be triggered aswell I thought, but thats not possible right? It just stays in the triggered mode for a certain amount of time and then goes back to armed_away. Who would want that? I want the alarm to stay in triggered mode as long as I manually unarm it. Imagine a robber getting inside your house and the alarm just sets itself back to armed_away or disarmed after 5 minutes, who the heck wants that? I need to turn it off manually or the local police arrives and pulls the plug on the siren/lights… The docs state it as following:

The alarm remains in the “triggered” state for a number of seconds equal to the previous state’s trigger_time. Then, depending on disarm_after_trigger, it goes back to either the previous state or disarmed. If the previous state’s trigger_time is zero, the transition to “triggered” is entirely blocked and the alarm remains in the armed state.

So is it possible to have these 3 states: unarmed, armed_away => triggered (stay in triggered forever if not disarmed)? I essentially want to be able to use the condition as follows so the alarm can’t be retriggered by the sensors again:

  - condition: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.house_alarm
    state: triggered

Thanks in advance, wishing you a blessed week!

People who are considerate to their neighbours or who have sensitive pets. The alarm only has to sound for long enough to scare away the intruder. It’s not a forcefield.

You can set the trigger time to be a very long time if you want to. One year in seconds is 31622400.

What exactly is wrong with that?

That would work? Oh yeah of course I meant except people that got neighbours very closeby or pets of course. My previous house had a never ending alarm and only my family could turn it off (locally or remote) or the local police department, it was pretty normal like that.

Its very buggy in HA if the alarm is retriggered. Suddenly the lights don’t flash anymore, alarm sounds not played anymore. Essentially it gets very confusing on whats happening exactly if its retriggered. Imagine the robber getting through a window (first alarm trigger) then running around the house and triggering the motion sensors (several other retriggers of the alarm). All these triggers come with delays in the scripts/automations which break the correct alarm routine.

Thank you for your reply!