🪄 Manual Light Control With Auto OFF

Hi Blacky,
Thanks for the great blueprint !
I am using it to automatically turn off my garage light after 5minutes when I park the car but sometimes I work in the garage and I would like to keep the light on forever. I was wondering what would be the best way to use a bypass entity similar to sensor light?


You could try the motion sensor option and create a toggle helper and use that instead of a motion sensor. It just needs to have a ON / OFF state. It would work best with a motion sensor as then when you leave and you forget to turn a toggle helper OFF manually and the light stays ON forever a motion sensor will always do this for you.

So if you had a motion sensor then you would need to turn the light ON manually and the motion sensor would keep it ON with a timer to then turn it OFF once no motion is clear.

Blacky :smiley:

Enhancement perhaps?

I would like to extend the timer.

For instance when I come home, my outdoor lights come on. By default they would be switched off by this blueprint in 15 minutes.

However sometimes I expect company and I would like to leave them on for, say 2 hours.

Currently, I cannot extend the existing timer due to HA timer limitations:
Error: Not possible to change timer timer.outdoorlights beyond duration

Could this blueprint have MAX as well as DEFAULT for the timer? Basically, it could start the timer with MAX value and then set it to DEFAULT. That way I could modify the running timer to exceed the initial time.


Have a look at this blueprint.

:stopwatch: Trigger - Run ON Timer

If you use the same timer with a button helper, you can add buttons to your dashboard that set the timer to predefined duration’s. For example, you could create four buttons for different time intervals: 30 minutes, 2 hours, 3 hours, and 4 hours. Simply press the desired button, and the timer will be set to the corresponding duration.

Blacky :smiley:

Yeah. Great suggestion. Not what i’m looking for though.

I sometimes would like to “push” the timer. Not to really predefine them. Say have a +1h button that will add as many hours to a running timer as it is pushed. I could stop the timer and start it with a new time, but as the lights are tied to the timer, they would blink.


Try the blueprint it should just update the timer. Nice suggestion… just push to add time in time blocks set by the user. I will put it on my list.

Blacky :smiley: