Manual MQTT alarm vs MQTT alarm

ok , tested manually, that is indeed working , great!!!

thnx for the tips, really helped me
just need to be carefull, if i arm , when the automation/timer starts, if i disarm before it actually arms
(in case i dont want the alarm to be armed) i need to kill the automation
so i need some kind of check if an automation is actually running


  • I suggest you consider using a timer.
  • When the broker receives “arm_away” it starts a 30-second timer.
  • An automation is triggered when the timer finishes and publishes “arm_away”.
  • When the broker receives “disarm”, the first it does is cancel the timer and then it publishes the “disarm” command. I don’t think there’s a way to check if a timer is already running so simply call the timer.cancel service, it shouldn’t matter if the timer isn’t actually running.

great, you have a solution for everything :slight_smile: