Manual override that stays untill I switch off again

I have the following challenge (newbie level but loves NR).

I have a shelly plug connected to my pool pump with the following logic in Node Red :heart:

  1. Test the below every 5 minutes
  2. Test if it freezes, if yes turn on pump if off and send me a notification (frost protection)
  3. If no frost, test 3 timeslots and turn on pump if off (normal daily filter routines)
  4. If pump is on and none of the above applies, turn pump off

Below the flow:

Now…it would be nice to manually override this, so I`ve made a simple switch in HA to turn on the pump but of course…every 5 min the node red flow does the magic and turns it off again. What would be the simplest way in Node Red to make this manual override happen so the shelly knows there is an override and is not turned off by the rest of the flow as above ?

One method, create an input boolean to represent your override (this can also be a NR switch entity node if you prefer.)

Make an automation or flow that when this is toggled on the fan is turned on. When it’s turned off the fan turns off. Add a check to the beginning of your flow that checks the state of this input boolean and when it’s on don’t do any further processing.

Put the input boolean in Lovelace as ‘manual override’

Thanks Nathan; should be something like that; a status boolean that represents the manual status. I created a switch in Lovelace and of course that works but from there it is still a little mystery for me to integrate that into the flow. And yes…I`d prefer to do this in Node Red since that is what I (think I) understand the best. :wink:

Cool with hen after you create the input boolean go back into the flow you have above and insert the check between your trigger node and the current state temperature check. Do it just like you did the temperature check. Except when the override is on just direct the flow to nothing (or a debug message)

Ok; haha, I am looking into this for about an hour now but I can not find out where to start really. So I have made a simple switch on the shelly plug in lovelace and that turns on the plug and I have that existing flow that turns it off again which is what I don not want. What`s the logical sequence of steps I should follow ? thx again Nathan, appreciated.

Ok; I have been reading more and more about the topic and what I have learned so far is that the Node Red Companion integration might work for me. I have it installed now and unfortunately it is hard to find any readings on the functions & features. I did see that nodes:

  • Trigger: State
  • Events: State

now have a check box called ‘Expose to Home Assistant’. I have tried a test with Events: State and it creates a entity switch for that entity. Apparently this overrides the Events: State Node. Now my question is how to integrate that in the flow above that starts with a simple Inject node that turns the Shelly Plug on/off every 5 minutes based on temperature and time conditions. Any ideas would be welcome, also on readings of the Companion functions that seem to be hard to find (could be me).