Manually add MQTT device

Tried to configure a Sonoff Mini with Tasmota-lite with the following config:

  - platform: mqtt
     name: "LuzLucas"
     state_topic: "stat/LuzLucas/POWER"
     command_topic: "cmnd/LuzLucas/POWER"
     availability_topic: "tele/LuzLucas/LWT"
     qos: 1
     payload_on: "ON"
     payload_off: "OFF" 
     retain: true

I can listen and publish to the topic in the MQTT settings but the Switch I’m trying to add does not work, no matter what I do

Any suggestions?

Which broker are you using? Have you verified that your broker is functioning properly, and that your Tasmota is connecting properly to your broker?

Thank you for your interest! I actually got it to work by removing the “retain: true” line.
But yes, everything was, indeed, working and I had tested everything