Due to living in a built-up area my RFLink 433 receiver can see lots of other devices that don’t belong to me.
Would it be possible to add my own sensors manually?
In the rflink debug i see -
2020-07-16 23:00:57 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] unhandled event of type: unknown
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: 20;01;Oregon TempHygro;ID=2DE2;T
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: EMP=00d6;HUM=67;HSTATUS=1;BAT=OK
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: ;
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got packet: 20;01;Oregon TempHygro;ID=2DE2;TEMP=00d6;HUM=67;HSTATUS=1;BAT=OK;
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] decoded packet: {'node': 'gateway', 'protocol': 'oregon temphygro', 'id': '2de2', 'temperature': 21.4, 'temperature_unit': '°C', 'humidity': 67, 'humidity_unit': '%', 'humidity_status': 'comfortable', 'battery': 'ok'}
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'oregontemphygro_2de2_temp', 'sensor': 'temperature', 'value': 21.4, 'unit': '°C'}
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type sensor: {'id': 'oregontemphygro_2de2_temp', 'sensor': 'temperature', 'value': 21.4, 'unit': '°C'}
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] entity_ids: []
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] device_id not known and automatic add disabled
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'oregontemphygro_2de2_hum', 'sensor': 'humidity', 'value': 67, 'unit': '%'}
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type sensor: {'id': 'oregontemphygro_2de2_hum', 'sensor': 'humidity', 'value': 67, 'unit': '%'}
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] entity_ids: []
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] device_id not known and automatic add disabled
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'oregontemphygro_2de2_hstatus', 'sensor': 'humidity_status', 'value': 'comfortable', 'unit': None}
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type sensor: {'id': 'oregontemphygro_2de2_hstatus', 'sensor': 'humidity_status', 'value': 'comfortable', 'unit': None}
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] entity_ids: []
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] device_id not known and automatic add disabled
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'oregontemphygro_2de2_bat', 'sensor': 'battery', 'value': 'ok', 'unit': None}
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type sensor: {'id': 'oregontemphygro_2de2_bat', 'sensor': 'battery', 'value': 'ok', 'unit': None}
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] entity_ids: []
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] device_id not known and automatic add disabled
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'oregontemphygro_2de2_update_time', 'sensor': 'update_time', 'value': 1594936871, 'unit': 's'}
2020-07-16 23:01:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.rflink] event of type sensor: {'id': 'oregontemphygro_2de2_update_time', 'sensor': 'update_time', 'value': 1594936871, 'unit': 's'}
Here is my current config
port: /dev/ttyUSB0
- platform: rflink
automatic_add: false
- platform: rflink
automatic_add: false
name: testtemp
my attempting in adding the sensor manually was to add -
name: testtemp”
but this does not work.
any help would be great