Manually override motion automation with dimmer button

I’ve been searching and trying different suggestions, but have not been able to figure out how to achieve the following.

I have a GE Dimmer switch and a z-wave motion sensor. Currently I have automation configured to activate the light / dimmer switch when motion is detected and to deactivate the switch once there is no motion. My issue is that this light is in the hallway of a bigger room so motion is only detected in a certain section (which is also what I wanted by design/placement of the motion sense). Having said this, there have been a couple of times I’ve been in another part of the room and wanted the light to stay on.

I’ve been trying to use input_booleans (following another example here by setting the Boolean when the motion automation took place) and then not triggering the “off” automation depending on the Boolean —- however I can’t get to the light switch w/o the motion automation kicking on to turn the light on.

Is there a state or event I can use to trigger when the dimmer button is physically pushed (up or down)? If so, I think I could key on that to get around automation. If not — suggestions?

Hope this makes sense. (It’s late…) :slight_smile:

I’m doing just that with HomeSeer switches. If I double tap a paddle, it disables the motion detection automations. Then, there is another automation that re-enables motion detection after 30 minutes cuz we always forget to turn it back on.

Your switch has to support Central Scene. I don’t know if GE switches support it, but I found this thread on the SmartThings community talking about it: What is double tap/scenes useful for? (regarding GE Z-Wave Plus devices) - #17 by Jonathan_Steele - Connected Things - SmartThings Community

That said, you can have a look at the doc on how to setup automations based on central scene events: Z-Wave - Home Assistant If you happen to find GE Scene IDs and data, that would be a great addition to the docs :slight_smile:

Finally, you can have a look at one of my config files: Maybe it’ll help you get started!