Many problems after updating HA from 0.114.4 to 0.115.1

yesterday i updated my HAS and after that my HA is not working as before ,
many problems are there ,

automations are not working,

a message is shown (Home Assistant is starting, not everything will be available until it is finished.)

unable to update to Home Assistant Core 0.115.2 ,
You are currently running version 0.115.1

many other errors in log , some of them are being shown in the attached files ,

please help , what is wrong with my configurations .

2020-09-20 21_58_40-Overview - Home Assistant 2020-09-20 22_00_36-Supervisor - Home Assistant

and also is there any way to revert back to my old version 0.114.4 , how ?

It looks like your database is broken. Rename/delete the home-assistant_v2.db and restart.

i have deleted the .db file but as i can see there is two database file and one file is written as corrupt , as shown in the picture

and my problem is not solved till now .

2020-09-21 21_37_18-File editor - Home Assistant

You could try this: (Then delete them both.)