MAP - Always show devices

How can I setup :MAP so It can show my devices all the time, even when the status is “Home”?

I don’t think you can, it only shows devices not at home

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This is stupid :\

But thanks for the reply!

So if you have 8 devices, you want them all showing up at home in some kind of jumbled mess?

Just with a family of 3, we have (4 phones and 2 iPads). That would be 6 devices shown on the map all the time, even at home. I don’t need that mess, for sure.

But I only want to track 2 devices on the map. 2 of our phones. And since I travel a lot, it would be easier for my wife to know if I’m home already, or still 200km away, without scrolling out and search on the map.

The dumb thing is: We have 1000 options for everything, but 0 for map.


Why don’t you just put a status badge/icon on the front page of home/not home? You can know at a glance, and not have to open the map at all. My home page is dedicated to showing the status of everyone. Location, phone battery, desktop/laptop status, drive time to work/school, etc. I can load up the front page, and see at a glance where everyone is, based on the zones I have configured.

You can also do this (next on my agenda):

have it send her a message as you get closer to home…

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I would like something like this. Its annoying to look at the map trying to find someone, not knowing if they are hidden at home or somewhere around.

I agree that just having icons bunched at the home wouldn’t be practical if you have more than 2 there.

Some kind of hint attached to home showing who is there would be nice that expanded out to include the people present. An even just a number telling you how many people are there which would expand out when you hover would do.

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Like a tooltip/hover? That would be beneficial, I can see

I have about 30 device tracked items, so I think it might be impractical unless there was a way to exclude some from the map somehow?

That’s a lot of items.

I guess technically I have at least that many, but the only about 6 that I care about actual location

I agree I only have 4 that are moving at any time that I care about but how would you limit the number displayed on the map when home. Currently I don’t think there is a way.

You can move your home zone far away in the world, setup a new generic zone “myhome” and change all your automations to the new zone.

Personally I’d leave the map as is and go with the badges like @flamingm0e suggested.

I use this custom_component. As it display the device I want to track all the time. Especially moving devices.

There are no badges on the map view when the devices are at home. Referring to another screen to understand if people are away is a solution that now requires two steps across two screens instead of one.

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So your default page when you load up Home Assistant is the Map?

That’s why I said “personally”. I try to respect my wife’s privacy: I have two badges “home”/“not home” on the main screen (mainly because I’m always tinkering with configuration and need to check if everything is working) and disable entirely the Map section.

Even with the map enabled, the first step is always the main screen, when I can see who’s home. If someone is not home, then I can go to the map (second step) to check where they are.

In the end, I agree that a simple option “show users in home zome” would be useful.

If anyone wants to experiment, the map code that hides home users is here:

No. However the page I see when I launch Home Assistant is the last page I looked at when I closed it.

This should solve your problem:

It updates an image of the exact location of a specific device. So just create two of those sensors and it will show the exact location of each of your devices even if they are in home area.

You could always set your Home zone radius to 0 but you will always be “away”.

  - name: Home
    latitude: 30.009269
    longitude: -97.171567
    radius: 0
    icon: mdi:home