Map card with colour / contrast

I hope I’ve put this in the right place.

These two pictures are of roughly the same area. 1 via the map card, 1 via openstreetmaps (which I believe is the data source of the map card).

Can there please be some way to change the colour / contrast / filter so that the map card can look something like the openstreetmaps version? For all intents and purposes the map card ends up being unusable as you can’t tell any of the map details. Dark mode just ends up as a black cube for me with two floating white circles.

I concur the maps leave a lot to be desired … even blue colored water would make it so I am not confusing streams with roads…

I decided to fix this with a reverse proxy so that calls to Carto CDN are redirected to OpenStreetMap.
This requires setting up a MiTM proxy which I can do with pfsense.

This only works while on the home network, but that’s fine for me since I don’t use Home Assistant remotely.

The real solution would be for the Home Assistant devs to rethink using Carto in the first place. Yes, each Carto tile is about half the file size as the same OSM tile. But it’s not a huge strain on their hosting provider. It’s the same as just going to the website. The Home Assistant frontend doesn’t really use that much more than any other application. After all, it’s the individual clients (browsers and Companion apps) that are doing the request for these resources, it’s not like HA is just polling in the background.


i face the same issue… is there already a HA solution for this?