Yep I should have noted that I’ve tried clearing my cache and CTRL + F5 and I’ve tried incognito. All results are thee same. I’ve tried both Chrome and Edge and the problem appears in both browsers.
Slight change in behaviour this morning. I did run an update last night but I’m not sure that could be related. My versions are:
Home Assistant 2022.12.6
Supervisor 2022.11.2
Operating System 9.4
Frontend 20221213.0 - latest
Instead of seeing the originally posted image I now see this:
Okay, oddly by adding the below to my “/config/configuration.yaml” file :
default: info
logs: : debug
The map started working as expected. I then removed the above lines from my “/config/configuration.yaml” file and the map contiuned to function meaning it’s fixed the problem. Very confusing