Hey community!
I have an Octoprint connected to my Home Assistant. I want to create an entity that is able to map the print progress to a homekit device. This homekit device should be part of a homekit automation to turn on/off my printer’s lights. The printer lights are Ikea tradfri which I want to migrate to a Dirigera hub, which (yet) doesn’t provide a local interface. I guess I’d have to define some sort of template sensor, based on the octoprint progress sensor. But which type of homekit accessory would be feasible?
Thinking of a “fake” homekit light, that turns on when the print starts, und shuts off, when the print is finished. This will be captured by a homekit automation to control the printer lights. What are your thoughts about this? Don’t want to wait on Matter release in IKEA and Home Assistant for possible local control.
Hey community!
The solution turned out to be obvious and simple. The Octoprint integration defines a binary_sensor which shows if the printer is printing, mine is named binary_sensor.octoprint_printing. Expose this entity via Homekit integration and it gets recognized as a motion sensor. On this motion sensor one can define a Homekit automation to control the lights depending on the print process. Hope that helps someone around!
Best, Kai