Recently I upgraded my main system to marantz sacd 30n player. I hoped it would be possible to integrate it with HA either via denon integration or HEOS… but it does not work:
Denon AVR integration dicovers it, but is not able to complete configuration:
Failed to connect, please try again, disconnecting mains power and ethernet cables and reconnecting them may help!
Adding to HEOS intgration also fails. While device is added as controller, it shows in intgrations with error:
at the same time log shows:
2021-07-28 07:05:00 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.heos] is not logged in to a HEOS account and will be unable to retrieve HEOS favorites: Use the 'heos.sign_in' service to sign-in to a HEOS account
Unfortunatelly since integration is not fully configured, there is no service heos.sign_in created, so it is not possible to complete.
There is also no entity created (media_player) for this device, so even playback with limited finctionality (without favorites or playlists) is not possible.
I’ve seen a lot of posts on the forum with coplains about marantz being integrated with either denon AVR or HEOS integration with very mixed results. Any idea if it is possible at all to integrate this unit? Is there any best practice to achieve this?
OK, I moved forward…
I realized that only one instance of HEAS integration is possible, so I decided to return to the old configuration with primary controller being my Denon AVR-750H, that worked previously fine. That did the trick, after removing integration and adding again, but this time pointing to Denon rather than Marantz as primary device, both systems appeared in my comnfiguration as media players! So far so good!
Then I played a bit with configuration, checking what is possible to be achieved with my new audio via HEOS integration and it seems quite a lot… but not everything is rosy though… My new setup consists of 2 separates from Marantz: already mentioned SACD 30 n (SACD and network player/streamer) and Model 30 (integrated power amplifier). SACD 30 is network enabled, but power amp is not. System has RC interconnect that allows to control both units with single remote and also HEOS application take advantage of this, allowing to power on/off both units simultanously and, more important, to use volume control on the power amp, instead of variable output of SACD. And here I got stuck:
HEOS integration does not allow to control power state of any of these devices. In fact if I decode media_player supported_features it indeed states that power control is not available. All I can do is to start playback (for example selecting some playlist) to power on both devices, but there is no option to switch them off.
Even more annoying is that volume is controlled on SACD unit not on integrated amp. It would be fine, if SACD is used in preamp mode and connected to real power amp block via variable output. In configuration that is used as standard for this combo, SACD is connected via fixed output to integrated amp CD input and in this scenario controlling of variable output volume does not change volume of entire system.
Strangely HEOS application handle this without issues, so perhaps this is the shortcoming on integration?
I think similar combination is used in case of Marantz ND8006 and PM8006 (or perhaps some other combos too). Did anyone figured out how to control volume via integrated amp in such setup?