Mariadb getting out of hands, purge take more space

I’m trying to understand why my 32GB storage is almost full, it’s not backup but i see there is more than 12GB of mariadb.
I tried to call the service to auto_purge to 20 days (my config is 30 days) also try the repack option.
in both case the size of the DB went up :frowning:

I don’t understand why and what i can do.
also strange that even after the purge to keep 20 days i got history from 24 days ago
please help me

recorder config :

db_url: !secret mariadb_url
purge_keep_days: 30
commit_interval: 20

- updater
- camera
- input_text
- sensor.sun_next_*
- sensor.last_boot # Comes from ‘systemmonitor’ sensor platform
- sensor.time_online
- sensor.time
- sensor.time_zone

Am I the oly one with this crazy problem ?

So i thought that it was getting better, lie maybe there is old dat that got clearup slowly i don’t know and then this happen :cry:

Any idea what could i do ?
any help will be really appreciate please