MariaDB on won't start. Missing

After a Home Assistant update, subsequent crash and fresh install and restore of snapshot, MariaDB will no longer start properly. All other functions are working. I get the following error message in the MariaDB-log when I manually try to start it.

starting version 3.2.2
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /usr/bin/jq)
Error relocating /usr/bin/jq: onig_foreach_name: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/jq: onig_region_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/jq: onig_search: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/jq: onig_error_code_to_str: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/jq: onig_new: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/jq: onig_region_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/jq: onig_free: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/jq: OnigEncodingUTF8: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/jq: OnigSyntaxPerl_NG: symbol not found

I am running ResonOS 1.3, MariaDB add on 0.2, Versjon 1.3 for the host, 0.101 for the supervisor and 0,67 for Home Assistant. I cannot find any entries in the Ha log file that concern MariaDB. I am running on a PI3.

Any advice would be appreciated.

I am new to this forum and I am sorry if I overlooked some guidelines on what info to include in a post, and/or if this should have been posted somewhere else than in the category.

I have tried both Google and searching the forum, but unfortunately unable to find an answer. It seems something is not installed correctly (missing file). I have tried to reinstall the Maria DB add-on without luck.

I managed to setup the Maria dB addon with 0.67 on Hassio this morning, so recommend double checking your config

Thank you for your response. I have checked it and the only thing I have changed from default is the password. The error message leads me to believe there is a file missing. Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /usr/bin/jq), however I could be wrong and I do not find/understand where this file or directory should have been.

My config with a redacted password. I have no config in the configuration.yaml file at the moment, or it is commented out (because then the recorder will not start since the MariDB is unavailable). I assume this should not matter. The service should be able to start without being used.

  "databases": [
  "logins": [
      "username": "hass",
      "host": "%",
      "password": "PASSWORD"
  "rights": [
      "username": "hass",
      "host": "%",
      "database": "homeassistant",
      "grant": "ALL PRIVILEGES ON"

 #db_url: mysql://hass:PASSWORD@core-mariadb/homeassistant

Please format config that you post using the " ``` ".

Mine is identical (apart from the actual password).

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