Maridb 10.3.29 not supported?

I’m trying to use mariadb on my synology that has mariadb 10.3.29 installed.

But the recorder keeps showing up with:

Database mariadb is not supported; Home Assistant supports MariaDB ≥ 10.3, MySQL ≥ 8.0, PostgreSQL ≥ 12, SQLite ≥ 3.31.0. Starting with Home Assistant 2022.6 this prevents the recorder from starting. Please migrate your database to a supported software

Is 10.3.29 somehow now included in >= 10.3 ?

Yes, I think what that means is 10.3.x is no longer supported. Not only that it won’t actually work.

The solution on Synology is to setup mariadb in a docker container. You can also backup the old database and restore it or copy the DB files over.

For me the hardest part was getting the file permissions correct on the local folder and setting it up to allow a login.

I was also not putting the local folder in the docker directory. If you encounter that problem I have some notes on what I did.

For now I moved to postgressql in docker container - might as well use the better DB :slight_smile:
The error message about mariadb is weird though mariadb >= 10.3 I read as 10.3 and above is supported. If 10.3 was not supported why is it not then saying mariadb >= 10.4 or mariab > 10.3 ?

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I’m getting the same errormessage when using mariadb 11.2.

A bit later: in db_url I needed to put mysql in front of the connectionstring instead of mariadb so then it worked but still had some issues and my energy-dashboard totally got messed up so I reverted back to sqlite. Might keep my mariadb as a backup and fill it occassionally.