could we extend this navigate and ‘fake’ it into a script service? Am searching for a way to add an X next to my list of persistent notifications to dismiss them:
code now is:
content: >
**{{state_attr('binary_sensor.rss_feeds','count')}} Rss feed notification{{'' if is_state_attr('binary_sensor.rss_feeds','count','1') else 's'}}:**
{% for state in states.persistent_notification %}
{% if 'rss_feed' in state.entity_id %}
{{'**' + state.attributes.message.split(',')[0] + ':**'}}
{% set see = state.attributes.message.split('see ')[1]%}
<font color = {% if 'gdacs' in see %}'green'
{% elif 'io' in see %}'blue'
{% else %}'red'
{% endif %}>
See: {{ see }}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}