Markdown states.sensor output

I search in the manuell, but perhaps with the wrong keywords.

I would linke to output a state from the sensor.

But not an attribute, only the state.

the sensor for examble is

I test it with the following code:
{{ states.sensor.deutschland_weekincidence }}

But with this output I become this:
<template TemplateState(<state sensor.deutschland_weekincidence=34.99; attribution=last updated 13 Aug, 2021 22:01:51
Data provided by Robert Koch-Institut, unit_of_measurement=nb, friendly_name=Inzidenz Deutschland, icon=mdi:clipboard-pulse @ 2021-08-15T04:01:53.215154+02:00>)>

And not the state from the sensor.

What can I change in my code?

You want to get the states of sensor.deutschland_weekincidence?
Try this-
{{ states('sensor.deutschland_weekincidence') }}

You may also want to read Templating documentation to know the recommended way to extract state or state attribute.

Just as an example (not recommended), to get the state, you need to write it like-
{{ states.sensor.deutschland_weekincidence.state }}.
Again, not recommended.

Thank you it works.