Markdown Template for Battery measurements

Hello everyone,
based on the video from the great content creator Smart Home Junkie (HOW TO create your own Low Battery Warning Sensor In Home Assistant - TUTORIAL - YouTube) I´ve created a simplified version, for all of us that have devices without battery percentage (only battery voltage).

For this you only need a single number helper

And the following markdown card:

type: markdown
content: >-
  {% for state in states
      | selectattr('domain', 'in', ['sensor'])
      | rejectattr('attributes.battery_voltage', 'undefined') 
      | selectattr('attributes.battery_voltage', 'lessthan', states('input_number.battery_threshold') | int / 10)
      | sort(attribute='attributes.battery_voltage', reverse = True)

  '* <ha-alert alert-type="error"><ha-icon
  icon="mdi:battery-alert-variant-outline"></ha-icon> ' 
  + "(" + state.attributes.battery_voltage|string + "V)"
  + "&nbsp;&nbsp;[" + state.state + "%]&nbsp;&nbsp;"
  + | replace(' battery', '') | replace(' Battery', '')| replace('
  power', '') | replace(' Power', '') 
  + "</ha-alert>"

  {%- endfor -%}
title: To Charge

This allows you to define the threshold value, for the voltage you “think” it´s worth charging/replacing the batteries on your device.

NOTE: For the calculation, the value is divided by 10, in order to have decimal values for the voltage (this is currently not available for the number helper)

Input Numbers are absolutely capable of holding float (decimal) numbers.


I think there is a bug in the UI where Step Size turns red if you enter a decimal value for step size but if you ignore it and click CREATE / UPDATE it works.