"Marktpreis" Entity for Austian feed-in compenstion Price in HA

If it is helpful for somebody:

YAML Code to “scrape” the current feed-in compensation (“Marktpreis” in Austria) from the e-control website and provide it as an entity in home assistant for the energy dashboard.

1, Install the Integration “multiscrape” with HACS
2, Copy the code to your configuration.yaml
3, Go to settings/dashboard/energy/return to grid and set the new built entity “energie_marktpreis” in “use an entity with the current price”.


# Marktpreis entity
  - name: HA scraper
    resource: https://www.e-control.at/de/marktteilnehmer/oeko-energie/marktpreis
    scan_interval: 86400
      - unique_id: energie_marktpreis
        name: Energie Marktpreis
        unit_of_measurement: EUR/kWh
        select: ".journal-content-article > table:nth-child(9) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(8) > td:nth-child(2)"
        value_template: '{{ value | replace (",", "") | float(default=0.0) | int / 100000 | round(2) }}'

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