Matter 1.2 and smart plugs monitoring

Do anybody know if Matter 1.2 upgraded the standard for smart plugs, so they now can support monitoring/metering?

I have tried to find the information on numerous webpages, but they are all about the new areas covered by Matter 1.2 and nothing about what else the upgrade contains.

I donā€™t see it Wally. Disappointed myself. If I see otherwise or locate the full spec Iā€™ll point you to a link.

Tried to download the specs for 1.2, but I had to register and was unable to in my current location.
Maybe I get time to download and look at the specs on Monday.

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I looked at the 1.2 specifications and I can find no mention of terms like ā€˜currentā€™ or ā€˜voltageā€™. I have a Tapo P110M which presents itself as a Matter ā€œOn/Off Plug-in Unitā€, device type 0x010a. The attributes for this device type do not mention anything electrical and look identical to the 1.1 specification.

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That was what I feared.
A smart plug without monitoring is really not that smart at all.

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Itā€™s actually a dumb plug since thereā€™s nothing remotely ā€œsmartā€ about it, basically just a switch. But itā€™s not anyoneā€™s fault, this is a new standard, and developers need to prioritize. Energy measuring did not make into the 1.2 version, but itā€™s now here: 1.3 supports energy and water management.

But the standard has just been released, now device manufacturers and platforms have to implement it, and nobody can tell how long this will take. For Home Assistant, I expect it to be part of the next major update (June?), but when devices like Aqara plugs, EVE plugs etc. will adopt it is a mystery.