Matter adding Meross plug fails

I tried to add a Meross plug which is using Wifi and to add it directly as Matter device to HA.
HA OS 11.1 with 2023.10.5 is running in proxmox.
The device provisioning via the HA works but then adding it to HA fails with the message it can’t find the device.
I can see the following in the logs of the matter server:

2023-10-30 16:04:30 core-matter-server chip.DIS[126] ERROR Timeout waiting for mDNS resolution.
2023-10-30 16:04:44 core-matter-server chip.DIS[126] ERROR OperationalSessionSetup[1:0000000000000004]: operational discovery failed: src/lib/address_resolve/AddressResolve_DefaultImpl.cpp:114: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2023-10-30 16:05:15 core-matter-server chip.DIS[126] ERROR Timeout waiting for mDNS resolution.
2023-10-30 16:05:29 core-matter-server chip.DIS[126] ERROR OperationalSessionSetup[1:0000000000000004]: operational discovery failed: src/lib/address_resolve/AddressResolve_DefaultImpl.cpp:114: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2023-10-30 16:06:00 core-matter-server chip.DIS[126] ERROR Timeout waiting for mDNS resolution.
2023-10-30 16:06:14 core-matter-server chip.DIS[126] ERROR OperationalSessionSetup[1:0000000000000004]: operational discovery failed: src/lib/address_resolve/AddressResolve_DefaultImpl.cpp:114: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout
2023-10-30 16:06:14 core-matter-server matter_server.server.client_handler[126] ERROR [140515388342672] Error handling message: CommandMessage(message_id='d70b81f3aef146c3adab9d9c1a5c8860', command='commission_on_network', args={'setup_pin_code': 56458867})
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/", line 889, in _resolve_node
    await self._call_sdk(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/", line 766, in _call_sdk
    await self.server.loop.run_in_executor(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/chip/", line 491, in ResolveNode
    self.GetConnectedDeviceSync(nodeid, allowPASE=False)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/chip/", line 731, in GetConnectedDeviceSync
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/chip/native/", line 67, in raise_on_error
    raise self.to_exception()
chip.exceptions.ChipStackError: src/lib/address_resolve/AddressResolve_DefaultImpl.cpp:114: CHIP Error 0x00000032: Timeout

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/", line 304, in interview_node
    await self._resolve_node(node_id=node_id)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/", line 897, in _resolve_node
    await self._resolve_node(node_id=node_id, retries=retries - 1)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/", line 897, in _resolve_node
    await self._resolve_node(node_id=node_id, retries=retries - 1)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/", line 896, in _resolve_node
    raise NodeNotResolving(f"Unable to resolve Node {node_id}") from err
matter_server.common.errors.NodeNotResolving: Unable to resolve Node 4

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/", line 188, in _run_handler
    result = await result
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/", line 221, in commission_on_network
    await self.interview_node(node_id)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/", line 314, in interview_node
    raise NodeInterviewFailed(f"Failed to interview node {node_id}") from err
matter_server.common.errors.NodeInterviewFailed: Failed to interview node 4

So the issue seems to be mDNS as it can’t find the node.
What I don’t understand is that mDNS works in general in my network and I can even see the matter devices in a services browser. HA can also be found via the mDNS address.

Then I tried to add the same device to Google via a Nest hub. And that worked instantly. So maybe the mDNS resolution is only an issue with HA? The firewall in proxmox is disabled.

As a last step I wanted to share the device from Google home to HA but there I also got an error:

2023-10-30 16:44:01 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Commissioning discovery over BLE failed: src/platform/Linux/BLEManagerImpl.cpp:682: CHIP Error 0x00000003: Incorrect state
2023-10-30 16:44:01 core-matter-server chip.-[126] ERROR src/platform/Linux/BLEManagerImpl.cpp:682: CHIP Error 0x00000003: Incorrect state at src/controller/SetUpCodePairer.cpp:299
2023-10-30 16:44:01 core-matter-server chip.BLE[126] ERROR No adapter available for new connection establishment
2023-10-30 16:44:01 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Found unconnected device, removing
2023-10-30 16:44:04 core-matter-server chip.EM[126] ERROR OnMessageReceived failed, err = src/messaging/ExchangeMgr.cpp:304: CHIP Error 0x00000070: Unsolicited msg with originator bit clear
2023-10-30 16:44:06 core-matter-server chip.CTL[126] ERROR Failed to perform commissioning step 13
2023-10-30 16:44:06 core-matter-server matter_server.server.client_handler[126] ERROR [140515388342672] Error handling message: CommandMessage(message_id='67d17fe535df4b3c80da58177e2c5b8e', command='commission_with_code', args={'code': '32917048316'})
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/", line 188, in _run_handler
    result = await result
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/", line 171, in commission_with_code
    raise NodeCommissionFailed(
matter_server.common.errors.NodeCommissionFailed: Commission with code failed for node 7
2023-10-30 16:44:06 core-matter-server chip.EM[126] ERROR Failed to send Solitary ack for MessageCounter:253363943 on exchange 52590i:src/messaging/ExchangeContext.cpp:144: CHIP Error 0x00000002: Connection aborted

That one is really odd as it should not provision via BLE? And if it does, it should use the one from the mobile phone and not from HA?


One more observation, I checked the mDNS hostname of the plug via a services browser and I can ping the device from the HA console:

Welcome to the Home Assistant command line.

System information
  IPv4 addresses for enp6s18:
  IPv6 addresses for enp6s18: 2003:f2:9705:300:6dd3:1fc2:6627:bfc/64, fd00::248f:ff5b:c04a:9dc8/64, fd63:4718:8dd2:4979:5419:e985:6493:52e9/64, fe80::a9f3:2dc4:bbf:21a2/64

  OS Version:               Home Assistant OS 11.1
  Home Assistant Core:      2023.10.5

  Home Assistant URL:       http://homeassistant.local:8123
  Observer URL:             http://homeassistant.local:4357
~ # ping 48E1E9D542D3.local
PING 48E1E9D542D3.local ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=255 time=9.863 ms

I am having similar issues.
Bought two pack of Model MSS115.
Finally got one to add but not the other.

After trying it about 125 times it all of a sudden worked. Nothing was changed - it just finally connected.

Have the same problem with Meross plugs.

Has anyone found a solution?

Is this a general issue with Matter-Wifi devices? Or is specific to Meross plugs?

I have the same Issue. Did anyone get this to work?