Matter Hub simple setup to link Google Home, Alexa and Siri to Home Assistant

yes, i even tried fully shutting down home assistant and then starting it again.
when i look at my bridge it says commissioned in green over the qr code and i see the bridge in my google home app.
but there are no devices in the bridge.
i have seen a matter been discovered but it stated that you don’t need this if you use a addon so i did not install it.

i installed the new update, i can now control lights from google nets hub :smiley:
seems like if i add a domain it works, but not with labels
also added the covers now so i am happy with the result

You need to edit your matter bridge to include type “label” and the value “matterhub” (lowercase of how you called your label)

dear Johann, i did include label but i found out that you need to give the label to the switch itself and not to the device.
so for people having problems like me give the label to the switch and normally it will work.

thanks for your reply.

I also found out this is the case. Unfortunately, Matter Hub does not expand devices, so instead of adding the label to device (which is then conveniently visible on devices page/datatable), you have to add the label directly to entity (which is then unfortunately not visible anywhere, unless you open the entity settings),

Did anyone has luck to run the matter hub in docker? If I add label to entities, I see them in matter-hub. But then no matter what tutorial I follow, I can’t get ipv6 enabled for “host” type of network, and running sudo docker network inspect host always returns "EnableIPv6": false. And yes, the server on which this runs has ipv6 address.

Or you can simply display the entities of the label :slight_smile:

The documentation at least refers to a help.

I preferred to install Matter Hub directly in HA (VMM) and at least there are no problems with IPv6…

Yes, I saw this one too. But that unfortunately doesn’t apply here. It’s quite old - ipv6 is no longer experimental since summer 2024, and it talks only about named networks (that you create manually - it even says instead of the default one, create manually network called “default” and use that). But matter-hub uses network_mode: host, so you can’t change it to use any of your created networks (or at least I don’t know about it)

Hi everybody,

Not going to be original on this one, I have the same problem as many here.
Apple Home / Alexa doesn’t pair at all.
I’ve tried a lot of solutions, like :

  • restart the add-on and attempt pairing
  • switch all components (HA, Echo Show, iPhone) to the same 2.4GHz wifi
  • reduced the devices list to one only
    but nothing works, I’ve tried literally 50 times since 2 days.

I’ve got ipv6 enabled, can ping my interface. And I’ve tried both add-on (old and new). Drives me crazy because no log shows, like nothing happens but Alexa/Home can’t find the hubs…

logs during pairing :

  QR code URL:********
[ 2025-01-24T12:03:42.025Z ] [ INFO  ] [ WebApi                                             ]: HTTP server (API & Web App) listening on port *****

hi moomba,

i see google home is not paired either, do you have problems with google hub also?
do you have a device for alexa that supports matter?
i have a google nest hub 2nd gen it worked without a problem after i enabled ipv6 i did restart home assistant after enabling it.
i cant say anything about alexa other then it needs to be on port 5540 it wont allow another port but i see yours is 5540 for alexa.
hope it works for you.

yes right, I forgot to mention that. The label needs to be on the entity, not the device.

Thanks for your answer.

I’ve got it wrong, not google home but it’s apple home. I don’t have what is needed to test google pairing.

I’ve got a Echo Show 8 3rd generation, which is supposed to support matter, given the documentation.

Yes the port seems to be good too. kinda stuck now :confused:

Have you tried, reboot iPhone, reboot echo? If you have more than one echo, unplug all except the newest/best wifi one. Amazon Alexa app is pretty buggy, I find rebooting iPhone (Apple networking is buggy too) and restarting Alexa app to fix a lot.

Is your network flat? As in, all on the same wifi? Does your router have any device isolation settings enabled or an mDNS setting?

I will try some reboots indeed. All components on the same wifi, no deivce isolation, and mDNS enabled yes. My server has a static ip too.

oh and I also use tailscale as a vpn…can it be the source of my problems??

Maybe…try disabling and/or logging in via the ip for setting this up. This all has to communicate locally to work.

Hi everybody !
First, thank you very much for this great addon. It’s such an improvement to be able to add our zigbee devices to google home.
But unfortunately I didn’t find a way to get it working properly.
I have Home assistant running on a virtual machine on my Truenas server.
I can access it locally at
I used a SMLight SLZB-06 to have access to my Zigbee devices.

But now when I scanned to QRcode of matter in my google home app just nothing is happening. I don’t see any log error.
I tried to disabled the firewall of my router but it’s still the same.
My router is a Hitron CODA 4680 and from what I see IPV6 is enabled.

Do you have any idea to fix it ?


Is there a way to use “home assistant” “voice assistant” “aliases” with Google Home?

I use rather long device names, for example “wha sec primary bedroom overhead lights” and “wha sec primary bedroom overhead fan”.

I can control each one individually with the Google Home app.

However, if I say “hey google, turn on the wha sec primary bedroom overhead lights” or “hey google, turn on the wha sec primary bedroom overhead fan” both turn on.

I have set up a “home assistant” “voice assistant” “aliases” for “wha sec primary bedroom overhead lights” named “primary bedroom overhead lights”, but Google Home does not seem to recognize the alias.

Is there a way to get the “home assistant” “voice assistant” “aliases” to work or is there another way (short of renaming the device) to refer to the device with a shorter name?

I didn’t realize this when I posted my inquiry yesterday, but it was pointed out to me that you can edit the name in Google Home and give each entity a shorter, but unique name.

Hi @tomas1 ,
I have the same setup, matter-hub on docker host network (same as home assistant), and it works fine.
Out of curiosity I checked the result of docker network inspect host and it also returns “EnableIPv6”: false
So this is probably not the real problem.