Matter Server Docker Container on Synology NAS / Home Assistant Core

Hey guys,

I have not found any good tutorial to install the home assistant matter-server (GitHub - home-assistant-libs/python-matter-server: Python server to interact with Matter) docker container on a Synology NAS (in my case a DS416play). So I wanted to share my approach:

In my docker folder a created the new folder (matter-server + data) like:

Within DSM I activated IPv6 support in the network options:
System Settings/Network/Network Interface β†’ Edit you used network connection β†’ IPv6 Tab β†’ IPv6 Setup: Automatic

With portainer I deployed then the following stack:

version: '3'
    container_name: matter-server
    restart: unless-stopped
      - apparmor=unconfined
      - /volume1/docker/matter-server/data:/data:rw
      - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro
    network_mode: host

With this and my SynologyIP address I would add the matter integration with:

Adding the Devices was possible with the iOS companion app as described here:

Maybe it will help someone :slight_smile:


Screenshot 2024-08-12 152620
Does it still say IPv6 disabled on the docker network host for you? I feel this is the reason even though Matter server is running for me, I can’t add devices successfully via Thread even with a valid Thread boarder router (Apple TV 4K) running

Sorry I have not seen your replay … according to the Container Manager of Synology there is nothing set for IP6 for me :confused:
So I guess ist also disabled?

So are you able to start your container @Nevs88 without the following error I have instead?

e[32m2024-11-10 08:26:48.756e[0m (Dummy-2) e[1;30mCHIP_ERRORe[0m e[34m[chip.native.DIS]e[0m e[31mFailed to advertise records: src/inet/UDPEndPointImplSockets.cpp:416: OS Error 0x02000065: Network is unreachablee[0m

No actually I have the same error message in the docker logs … what does it mean?
(I use a SwitchBot Hub 2 over matter … humidity and temperature are well displayed)

Hey guys, same issue, container ok, ipv6 ok, integration added in home assistant. I try to add a new device with home assistant companion, it connects to the device but it sticks to configuration step :confused:
always the same thing in the log :

|2025/01/17 22:59:55|stderr|e[32m2025-01-17 21:59:55.379e[0m (Dummy-2) e[1;30mCHIP_ERRORe[0m e[34m[chip.native.SC]e[0m e[31mPASESession timed out while waiting for a response from the peer. Expected message type was 33e[0m|
|2025/01/17 22:59:43|stderr|e[32m2025-01-17 21:59:43.551e[0m (Dummy-2) e[1;30mCHIP_ERRORe[0m e[34m[chip.native.EM]e[0m e[31m<<5 [E:57549i with Node: <0000000000000000, 0> S:0 M:143609138] (U) Msg Retransmission to 0:0000000000000000 failure (max retries:4)e[0m|

I don’t know what to do, if somebody has an idea :slight_smile: