Matter Server - No pairing thought Thread

I am Running HA 2024.1.3 on Docker as well as Python Matter Server 5.2.1. Both container are in a mtacvlan network with IPV6 working (this is because my host is a Synology NAS, and IPV6 cannot be enabled for host network); anyway both HA and Matter server docker reside in the same subnet of the host and gateway (I only have 1 subnet). My and only thread border router is a Home Pod 2; it is set in HA as preferred network.

I am trying to pair a matter device using both methods:

  • Directly to HA with Companion APP (after resetting the device)
  • To HomeKit and from there to HA (using paring code from the App).

I get the same results (no pairing): see logs below. Logs from matter server is the same in both cases. Can you help? Thanks


I abandoned…
I installed Home Assistant in a Virtual Machine and it worked…still I would prefer in a docker container…