Max value lost after reload templates.yaml

I use a template to keep the max value of a sensor (based on a 15 minute utility meter), this works fine, the max value is kept, but when I do a reload of my templates.yaml, the max value is replaced with the current value of sensor and the max value is lost.

# max value and reset
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.peak_consumption
      - name: Max kW month
        state: >
          {% set a = states('sensor.peak_consumption') | float(None) %}
          {% set b = states('sensor.max_kw_month') | float(None) %}
          {% if  a != None  and (b == None or a > b) %}
	      {{ a | float(0) }}
          {% else %}
	      {{ b | float(0) }} 
          {% endif %}
        unit_of_measurement: kW 

but when I add a delay to the trigger, the max value is not lost after a reload.

# max value and reset
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.peak_consumption
        for: "00:00:01"

can someone tell me why this is and if there is another solution instead of a delay?

Add not_to to your trigger to avoid the issues “unknown” and “unavailable” are causing at restart… also you don’t have anything to make it start over monthly.

# max value and reset
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.peak_consumption
          - unknown
          - unavailable
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ now().day == 1 }}"
      - name: Max kW month
        state: >
          {% set source = states('sensor.peak_consumption') | float(0)  %}
          {% set current = this.state | float if (this is defined and this.state is defined) else source %}
          {{ source if trigger.platform == 'template' else [source, current] | max }}
        unit_of_measurement: kW

I do have a reset trigger too, but did not include it in this code.
and in the sensor.peak_consumption template there is a float(0) to avoid unknown or unavailable.
I did not include all this because it had nothing to do with the reload issue.

- trigger:
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ now().strftime('%d-%H:%M') == '01-00:00' }}"
        id: 'reset'
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.peak_consumption
        for: "00:00:01" 
      - name: Max kW month
        state: >
          {% set a = states('sensor.peak_consumption') | float(None) %}
          {% set b = states('sensor.max_kw_month') | float(None) %}
          {% if  a != None  and (b == None or a > b) %} {{ a | float(0) }}
          {% elif == 'reset' %} {{ '0' }}
          {% else %} {{ b | float(0) }} 
          {% endif %}
        unit_of_measurement: kW 

but I’ll try your code this evening.

That doesn’t avoid “unknown” or “unavailable”, it just gives them a different value. At restart, both sensors can be unknown or ‘unavailable’ which would make both a and b equal to none. In that situation, your if/then will use the else and return 0.

oh ok, I assumed float(0) would fix the unknown or unavailable issue because it returned a 0 instead of unknown or unavailable.
it makes sense now knowing float(0) does not avoid it!
thx for the explanation.

Adding not_to in my template did not resolve the issue.
And your template returns unavailable.

Adding not_to to my template does work after all. I must have forgotten to reload the first time. Thank you for your solution.