MAX31855 offset readings after ESPHome upgrade

AFter updating my ESP device to 2021.10.2 (don’t remember what version was before - maybe 1.16.2) my temperature sensors (sensing my water boiler pipes - in and out) have started reporting much higher (by +20 to 45C non linear) and not reasonable temperatures then just before the update (a few seconds later).

For example (see graph @ 9:13PM - time of update):

  • From 50C to 95C
  • From 30C to 60C

The internal temperature of the MAX31855 IC has also shifted - ~25C (room temperature) before and now ~50C.

I opened a issue in Github:

But similar issue was opened a few months ago by someone else with no response.

  • Does anyone else here use the MAX31855?
  • Have you seen changes in the offset as a result of recompiling to a newer version?
  • What version are you running on the device itself?
  • Have you flashed it recently (in the last few months)?
  • How can I downgrade ESPHome to try and recompile an older version to see when the problem starts.

Restore the partial backup created before upgrading the ESPHome addon.

The backups I have are not necessarily the version compiled in the device.
I may have compiled the device more than a year ago but updated the ESPHome addon several times since without compiling this specific device.

Not part of my main issue but:
I have tried restoring ESPHome backups and always recieve write errors or not found errors (seen this prblem reported in several places by different people). I have tried this on 2 installations (VM, hypervised) and in both get the same restore error.

BTW, I can’t restore ESPHome backup. Having same issue as described here:

No one using MAX31855 in ESPHome?