Maxcio cover switch (Tuya - Smart Life managed) Offline after upgrade 0.109


After upgrade to 0.109 release I have notice that the Entities cover.xxxxxxx from Tuya (Smart Life) are offline in Lovelace:
Covers_Offline .

They are working, I can use them from Automations, Smart Life App and also from the wall switch. While I’m using them from app, manually, etc they are shown Online in Lovelace: Covers_Online .

After a few seconds they ara offline again and we can’t use fron Lovelace… ¿?

Any ideas???

Thanks in advance!

Read the 0.109 release notes topic.

This has been reported a number of times.

Thanks tom! I’ve been searching in release notes and didn’t find something similar… :frowning: :frowning: . Can you share the links??

Thnks Again!

Seems to be fixed in 0.109.3

It’s true!!! Solved in 0.109.3!! Now it works again!

Thanks for all…