Maximum Code Length for Broadlink rm IR Blaster

I have successfully integrated a Broadlink rm Pro into and captured codes with the e-Control App. I wasn’t able to get the python scripts that are provided to successfully run, but I managed to get them converted from the raw files once I understood what was going on.

My problem is that one of my devices, a Pioneer AV receiver, has VERY long codes ranging from 294-400 characters once converted to base64. This causes the configuration to be invalid. Is there a maximum line length in yaml? (maybe 256 char) If so, is there an escape sequence to continue a string on the next line? It wouldn’t seem to be a broadlink issue as the code works from their e-Control app on my phone.

---- OOOPS - I found another mistake. Once i fixed that, the length did not seem to be an issue.

hi @youngbru, my captured codes for a pioneer sbx-b30 soundbase do not seem to work with RM Mini 3.
indeed they are quite long.

Can you please share the on/off codes for your device?