MCP Client authorization

I’d love to integrate my own MCP servers into Home Assistant.

However, currently it’s only possible to add a URL.

Is there any kind of authorization planned, like setting the value of an Authorization header or passing an X-Api-Key or something?

In my specific case, I’d like to connect to my Perplexity MCP server running on a public server outside of the HA cluster.

This seems more like a question than a [FR]
Do you know for a fact that this doesn’t already exist?

I highly suggest you change the category at the top to Configuration - Home Assistant Community and add what you’ve already tried, give others a chance to weigh in on this, Someone might know something about it.

Neither the config flow supports any other input than the URL, nor is there any hint about working with such authorization headers in the MCP client code. It’s definitely a feature request.