Mct-340E to conbee / Deconz connected to a nuc, can't find sensors


can any kind person help me with this problem.
I am a total beginner with home assistant and hassio.
I have installed hassio on a nuc with the nuc image.
I’ve put in a z-wave stick and configured it, and have been able to add things without problems. Then I put in a conbee zigbee stick and configured it using: deconz. I have activated the stick by going to the gateway and activating home assistant. The problem is that when I try to add things to zigbee, it does not work at all. I click on a new sensor, then I activate the sensor so it is in par mode, but nothing happens (never click next)

The sensors I want to add are: MCT340E visonic (made by Saga / Hughes) I’ve seen others succeed adding them but how? then i have xiaomi fire alarm and bosch motion sensor that also needs to be added, i suppose there will be the same problem with this?

Is there anyone who can help me?
(I’m a real noob so please explain in detail how to do things)


Right now Decon requires conbee to be usb0 so you need to unplug other devices when system boots. Then you can plug in the other devices again

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