Mdi icon web site

cant i download icons from mdi icon web site in the size and color than i want and use tham inside HA?
i try but, no lack.


You don’t need to download them. They are available by default.

Where are you trying to use them?

Yes you can. Make a www folder in the folder that has your configuration.yaml file and save the icons there.

An example of usage from customize.yaml below. The ‘/local’ points to the ‘www’ folder the /icons is something I added for organization. The script is just turning the TV channel with a broadlink RM within some automations.

  entity_picture: /local/icons/espn_color.png
  friendly_name: ESPN

Not the newest ones.

I did this the other day for some recently created icons for the custom UI tiles card and it works well.

  - column: 3
    entity: script.lounge_kodi_player_skip_fwd_10
      value: /local/icons/fast-forward-10.png
    row: 5

Yes of the thousands of icons a few may not be available for a week or two until the next release.

The bigger question here is, why is it when I go looking for a specific icon, it seems that 9 times out of 10 it’s a newly created one out the many thousands already available?

Confirmation bias probably - I don’t notice the ones that work.