Mdns not working. does MQTT require MDNS

New install of Hassio. TasmoAdmin installed and working but only if I use the IP address instead of hassio.local … could someone make some suggestions for where to look for the issues? Also have installed the MQTT mosquito addon but cannot get MQTT working either. Does mosquito require MDNS?


Have you set up an access control list (ACL)?

no. didn’t know about an ACL … can you point me to where I do that?


It feels sarcastic to even answer this in this way, but it’s literally in the documentation.

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Just to circumvent inevitable incoming grief with this…

I’d suggest that you use a Home Assistant user and NOT define a local user and NOT set active to true and not enable anonymous either. If you do these things, you won’t need the ACL stuff and it SHOULD work. Your MQTT devices will need to use the same Home Assistant User for authentication as well.

If you already have a local user, then just create a Home Assistant user using the same username and password and delete the local user from the broker config.

If you really want a local user, then make sure in the accesscontrollist that you define a homeassistant user and set active to true.

I have been trying to keep things simple to get it up and running …
My configuration.yaml mqtt entry is:
password: hello

I am not clear what the difference is between a Home Assistant user and a local user is. Local user is in Mosquito?
So having a password set in Mosquito is not required?

Given you are using
remove anything including mqtt: from configuration.yaml and just use the mosquitto core addon.
configure that with no local user and active:false and anonymous: false

You do need a username password but it you don’t define those in the broker it will use a Home Assistant user - so you can create a new home assistant user for MQTT (i did) or use an existing user (the same as you use to log into home assistant for example) That user/pass gets configured in every mqtt device that will connect to the broker.

very clear! Thankyou! trying now …

Mosquito config has been reset to default (no user or password)
Each device has same username and password as the home assistant administrator

My socket errors are now gone and it appears we are communicating!


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do you have any suggestions where to start looking into my mdns problem? hassio.local not working?

So on some systems, hassio local doesn’t work (mine included)
In that case you just need to use the ip address…
TasmoAdmin requires the ipaddress of each mqtt device anyway… on some systems it might scan hassio.local but really, just use the ip address

Thanks. That is what I have done …