Measure temperature using a device that's getting warm


I’ve been working on this lamp that I was hoping to use as night lamp for my toddler as well as measure the room temperature. I was hoping it wouldn’t be affected that bad, but it goes over 2C the actual room temperature. I placed the sensor on the bottom side which is the farthest spot from the led bands. Inside the lamp I hid the sensors(bme680 for temperature, humidity and other air quality values, mhz19 for co2, and the buck converter.

One way I guess is to replace the bmw680 with bme280 with make a small white case for the temperature sensor and stick it 20cm away from the lamp. It would still be ugly enough to trigger my wife with it. One other way I guess would be to make a separate device for measuring temperature, but I am hoping to avoid it.what options do you recommend for the latter solution? Maybe something wireless that runs on batteries?

I tried uploading some photos, but it failed for some reason. Below you should find some photos and the model itself.

Printables 2

Heat moves up, so if the sensor is lower an not in a enclosure with trapped heated air, then it should be fine.
Remember that sensors are not always that well calibrated, so it might be that it is generally too high.

I designed the box so the bme680 is stuck on the the bottom side of the case with double sided tape, with that head actually stickying out of the case about 1cm downwards(the narrow part of the pcb that has the actual smd sensor on it). It seems the case gets warmer/radiates the heat into the pcb, then into the sensor)

The previous lamp that used the same sensor had it outside the case and the room temperature was roughly the same temperature as the wall

Perhaps it just thermal creep from the buck converter to the temp sensor. How close are they? Post a picture.

Here are some photos as well as the model itself. Check the one with the holes. The bme680 is centered to the bottom.