Which is the best way to measure the disk performance / speed if I am running Home Assistant OS?
dd does not work and system monitor does not provide any disk speed KPIs.
Cheers, red
Which is the best way to measure the disk performance / speed if I am running Home Assistant OS?
dd does not work and system monitor does not provide any disk speed KPIs.
Cheers, red
Hallo, any idea how to measure storage speed (SD card, SSD) reliably when using Home assistant OS?
I have this question too. Did you find any way since ? Thanks!
me too. Still looking for the same thing, haven’t found anything.
My image writing software seemed slow, looks like they operated at usb2.0 speeds for whatever reason. Wanted to check the diskspeed when connected to my Pi with HA-OS
first do a write test
dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/testfile bs=1M count=1024 oflag=direct
then do a read test
dd if=/data/testfile of=/dev/null bs=1M count=1024
then erase the test file
rm /data/testfile
I just switched my HAOS System to an Nvme and so far haven’t managed to enable Gen3 PCIE. I enabled it on PiOs that I used to install HA, but the setting apparently doesn’t carry over.
Currently I get about 350MB/s Write and 500MB/s Read.
How do you know that is your current speed when running HAOS?
I am asking because I also just replaced my SD card with an NVME and would like confirmation of the speed HAOS is using it at.
what do you mean by the disk performance? current one ir maximum possible one?
You can get the current one when having Glances add-on installed. It provides sensors measuring various things, incl current usage of disk (write and read throughput)