I’m trying to measure power consumption with INA226. As power source I use laboratory power supply so I set required V there. As a load I use PWM fan. I do not use PWM control capabilities, I just provide different V to the fan. Below are measurements that I receive from INA226 and what I see on power supply:
Sensors value are not stable so I’m sure that it affected current measurement, it is just not visible due to noise. If I set it to 0.11 ohm current is reduced to almost the same value as on power supply. Did I get it right that it could be just a resistor has different value on this specific board? If so, then I can tune that parameter to match the current. But voltage is still lower than on power supply. Is there something similar for V?
I just threw out all my pre-made DuPont cables because they were copper plated steel wire (test yours with a magnet, they should not attract) and they were all corroding.