Measurement of > 160.000 Watt at peak

Hi everybody,

since month i’m using HA to get the values of my digital electric meter. Everything looks perfect, so far.

A couple of days ago i installed a balcony photovoltaic system ("Balkonkraftwerk) inkl. inverter to plug it via power socket into circuit. Since then i get strange values of current power consumption (Watt) - see screenshot 1.

SC1 - in peak my measurement tells me that i have a consumption of > 16000 Watt.

SC2 - before i installed the photovoltaik i got normal values for months.

The course of the electricity meter continues to run liniar (see SC3)

It is certainly / hopefully a measurement error.
But can anyone of you explain what could be the cause of this error?
Thank you in advance.


I suspect that the inverter induces current harmonics that irritate your electronic electricity meter. They sometimes react very sensitively to a disturbed sinus.

Harmonics in power systems are generated by non-linear loads. Semiconductor devices like transistors, IGBTs, MOSFETS, diodes etc are all non-linear loads. Transformers will however also create harmonics when they are over-fluxed or saturated.

It’s just a guess on my part …

Which manufacturer is the inverter from?


Hi Sebastian,

many thanks for your response. Manufacturer of inverter is (unfortunately “Deye” Model: “SUN-M80G3-EU-Q0 800W” which probably has a problem reg. missing relais (protection-issue). see german media e.g. heise problem deye