Meater through the api

If you have a custom component you should disable it when using the built in functionality (ie beta).

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let us know how it goes.

I will! I’ll await for the official release and then give it a go! Excited now to try it given that all ive had for the last week or so is Ambiant & Internal temps

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Hi, I’m thinking of buying one but I don’t know if with the simplest bluetooth version, without Wi-Fi, you can know the sensors in Home Assistant through the mobile’s bluetooth connection and the app connection. Or only through bluetooth of the Raspberry for example

Perhaps read the docs, they will tell you.

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Hey im trying to create an automation for the Meator (via API official integration), to annouce the 5 minutes remaining on my google speaker. Problem I’m having is the time reamining entity is not numeric but the “device_class: timestamp”

I don’t know if this would work, but wondering if any have tried that

I was thinking of inputing something like this in the value template of the automation trigger, this converts the value of the remaining entity into a number, haven’t had a cook yet, so don’t know if this will work.

any thoughts on this?

  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.meater_probe_remaining_time
    below: '6'
    id: five_minutes
    value_template: >-
      {{((states('sensor.meater_probe_remaining_time')|as_timestamp -

I thought the plus model just has better Bluetooth than standard so how are you viewing the data without a phone?

You’re right, you do need the phone as the Bluetooth middleman.

Ahh okay no worries. Thanks for clarifying.

Does anyone know if i can use a generic bluetooth repeater? preferably mains powered to replicate the function of the bluetooth repeater in the plus model. Just got one for christmas but range was lacklustre on the base model while cooking yesterday.

I use an old phone near the bqq, that one connects to the cloud. Can use HA or my phone to also connect to the cloud and can view it anywhere. Nice present btw :wink:

Yeah stoked!

I’ve got a few phones setup for the meater link connectivity but was just curious if generic repeaters would extend the range or there’s compatibility / configuration necessary to get functionality similar to meater +

first I’m new in Home-Assistant.

I found this thread and since I also have a meater I wanted to include the device to my HA.
I create a token and copy/paste the code in my configuration.yaml file.
And now? How and where can I find the device in HA?

thx, Kiki

There is a built-in integration for Meater now

yes, but this does not show any device

Then post a github issue with a log

You have to make sure the probe is connected to the cloud by taking it off the charger or starting a cook before any entities will show up the first time.