Mecool KM2 Android TV-box

Does anyone have any experience with the Mecool KM2 Android TV-box? The HA androidtv integration does not seem to detect it.I tried several ports but none works… I would like to be able to put it on/off from Home Assistant and also to be able to do some commands like sound up/down …

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Hello Herman2,

Did you tried to enable ADB Server as indicated by Android TV - Home Assistant? You can follow this steps (How to Set Up and Use ADB on Android TV) to do it in Mecool. It’s worked for me in KM2 Plus.

Thanks very much Arlindo. Your info was very helpfull. I am now able to control the Mecool KM2 :slight_smile: I don’t succeed yet in executing commands like ‘start Netflix’, but I guess I will find out how to do that shortly. Thanks again.