Media_browser card

Hi, I’m looking for a way to integrate a media_browser view into my lovelace panel.
Ideally directly a subsection of the media_browser with the exact same feature that the media_browser provides.

That would enable me to show my current playlist on the GUI with the option to jump between tracks / show the track cover etc etc … all available at the media_browser.

Yes, I can already use the media_browser, but that requires to open the sidebar, open the media_browser, select the correct player, select the “current playlist” button … possible but not convenient

see also:

Something like this on the lower right corner, maybe even scrollable:

This would be great.

I’m using Frigate for CCTV, and the clips get stored in Media player → Frigate → clips, which is three clicks from the default view. I’d love to be able to create a panel view that shows those clips.

At the moment, I can create a view that goes to media browser (<HA_URL>/media_browser) but ideally it would be good to create a view to <HA_URL>/media_browser/frigate/clips.


With the new media browser in 2022.2, i would LOVE to add a Spotify browser to my wall tablet. But i need to be able to navigate to/from it via lovelace.

This was done for the Energy view - they’re all available as cards. Please please please do it with the new Media view also!

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