Media browser on network share


I’m trying to get the media browser introduced in 0.115 to show trigger snapshots from my Blue Irirs.

I’m running Home assistant Core in docker environment and using docker-compose with this configuration:

version: '3.5'
    container_name: hass
    image: homeassistant/raspberrypi4-homeassistant

      - /home/pi/homeassistant:/config
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
      - /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts:ro
      - bi-alert-pics2:/config/media/alertimages
      - /home/pi/homeassistant/media:/media

    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: host
      - TZ=Europe/Stockholm
    - "5678:5678"
    driver: local
      type: cifs
      device: //
      o: "username=<username>,password=<password>,domain=WORKGROUP" 

The folder is visible however no files in the folder are visible

If I log into the docker using portrainer console I’m able to see the files:

Hi, any luck on this? This idea would be a great way to view blue iris recorded clips directly in HA! Would make the whole BI implementation so much cleaner.

Sorry no.
I previously was using a files sensor which looked for files in a mounted folder under www. The implementation of the file sensor was able to pick up the files on the mount and I could push them to my phone in case of triggered.
I also used the custom panel gallery image which where able to display the mounted images from blue iris. However the custom panels where broken in some realease back and with the release of media browser I re-implemented my solution for that approach instead. But with no luck.

Hi I solved it finally but have since this post moved to hassos on hass blue.
For this to work you need to make a shell command:

You will first need a shell command:

  mount_blue_iris_media_folder: mkdir -p /media/Alerts;mount -t cifs -o username=<insert>,password=<Insert>,domain=WORKGROUP // /media/Alerts´

Then you can call this command in an auotmation at each homeassistant startup:

- alias: Mount BlueIries alert imgages on startup
  id: Mount BlueIries alert imgages on startup
  mode: single
    - platform: homeassistant
      event: start
    - service: shell_command.mount_blue_iris_media_folder

Be advised that mounting of the directories is case sensitive. By accident I managed to write BLueIris in the path and could not get my head around why it wouldn’t work.

Now I need to find a way to deterime latest image and push it. I tried using a directory watch but it wasn’t picking up any pictures created by blueIris only images I manually copied to the media folder.

In this thread we are working on getting the image from a mqtt topic:

Other ideas would be to parse out the url from media browser or possibly the mounted folder and push it. But I’m not there yet.