Media folder not accessible from outside

Hello, in HASSOS 5.3 hass 0.117.5 "medi"a folder should be accesible from IP:8123/media/
If I upload xx.mp3 using ssh it is not visible. Is there something one must do to let things works?

create “www” folder in “config” directory and restar hass. after restart content in “www” is accesible under yourip:8123/local/

I’m finding real confusion in various forums between the www and media folders, and what should be used and when.
Part of the issue is (afaik) www is not available via cloud but media is.
However using media is much harder to get the URL right, and has authentication challenges.
media is new, so am hoping some clearer documentation will follow in due course.

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Mine is at https://haipport/media-browser

I don’t think items at /www are password protected

And what is you “media” folder system path @tmjpugh (for which hass installation method- hassos, supervised etc.)?

Docker on ubuntu x86.
I dont think the link will change between install method

The https://haipport/media-browser point to the (2) folder I have defined in config file as shown below

    movies: /media/movies
    motioneye: /media/motioneye

when I open the link I see the (2) folders; movies and motioneye

the movie folder on host is at /srv/main/movie
in docker this is at /media/movies

the motioneye folder on host is at /srv/main/motioneye/var_lib_motioneye
in docker this is at /media/motioneye