Media Player Bravia TV : channelUP/Down EDIT: Extend media_player UI for channelUp/Down elements

The BraviaTV is set as mediaplayer and has next/previous track buttons but for a tv a next/previous channel would be more useful.

I propose to change the following in

def media_next_track(self):
        """Send next track command."""

    def media_previous_track(self):
        """Send the previous track command."""


def media_next_track(self):
        """Send next track command."""

    def media_previous_track(self):
        """Send the previous track command."""

However, a Bravia TV can act as a media player (at least my model can). I am not sure how useful that next/previous track feature is, but instead of changing the behaviour of this particular media player, I would prefer extending the existing component to a “tv and media player” component and introduce a new UI element for changing channels.


You have a point there.

I’d also suggest extending feature rather than replacing it. I’m using my tv as a controller for hifi 75% of time.

voted for extension rather than modification.

I was so pleased when I saw this feature had already been requested. Happily added my vote and then realised this was from 3 years ago!! :man_facepalming:t2:

It would be good if this could be added to the Sony Bravia TV integration though.

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