Media_player:play_media to get the media_content_id: value

I found several posts asking how to get the magic media_content_id:.
jjlawren posted the answer [Media player: Play media --> How to get the content ID? - #3 by jjlawren], but I found it still a bit cryptic. Today I went back to Radio_browser integration page. It still says

When creating an automation, use the Play Media action to pick a station from the directory.

I guess this hint gives a clue to experienced HA developers - but is far too subtle for new non-developers.

More detailed instructions are …

  1. Going to Settings > Automations & Scenes > create automation > Create new automation.

  2. In the New Automation page, under the “then Do” section, click [+ Add Action] .

  3. On the Add action pop-up, select “media Player”, then the first “Play media” option - NOTE that there are 2 options both labelled “Play media” - you want the one with subtitle “Play media on media player”; and NOT the one with subtitle “Starts playing specified media”. You should now see:

  4. Select your media player, then pick the media (audio) file you wish to play (it uses the HA Media Sources pop-up, so you can select local files (in the /media/ folder in HAOS, or a NAS share configured on Settings > System > Storage as a Media usage), Radio Browser (if installed), an installed Text-to-speech provider, … or I guess most anything installed in HA. It should now look similar to

  5. Having selected the music to play, use the vertical 3-dots button to select the “Edit in YAML” option, and hey presto, there in the “data:” section is the media_content_id: that you can copy and paste into lovelace buttons, other automations, etc. There are also the title: and thumbnail: parameters provided by Radio Browaser.

Note that the same media selector is not available in the Developer Tools, where I had expected it.

Or play the station and the media_content_id is an attribute of the media_player entity.

Playing the same Radio station from my initial post (ABC Classic FM MP3) and then looking at HA > Developer Tools > States for my Kitchen Speaker shows a different media_content_id value (though they both work).

A bit more explanation for new users…
The website maps their station ID to the current actual stream, which we see in the Developer Tools. Using the actual stream will start the music playing a little quicker - but if the station changes their streaming provider, we have to go back to and look it up again to find the new stream URL.

Similarly, Developer Tools also shows local filenames translated into URLs

HAOS exposes the /media/ folder on the HA machine (mine is

The file /media/Il Volo/04-smile.mp3 is translated to media_content_id:

We can use the Settings > System > Storage to map a samba or NFS folder into the /media/ folder. In my case “_Media” is the samba share which contains music. Playing on of the songs therein gives the