Media player show text on screen


I have a smart display (JBL Link view) and I’d like to make a net radio on it. I can do it with media_player, play_media and the link of the radio. When I call the service, it starts play the radio, but the screen is blank. I’d like to add a static text on the display (the name of the radio).
I know it is possioble, because I have a custom jukebox card add-on and when I set it up and give a name for a station, de smart display shows this name.
How can I do that?

Finally I’ll implement it under node-red, but now it is enough to know the way to anyhow call the servuice which shows the text on the smart diplay.

Try developer tools,
this is what I use for my lg tv media player:

service: notify.living_room_tv
  message: This is a test message !

Thank you! But unfortunately it doenn’t work. I can find only our mobile devices for notify. (e.g. notify.xy_mobile), but there is an error if I try my smart display (e.g. notify.kitchen_display gives an error “unable to find service notify.kitchen_display”)