Media Player Struggles: NAD Receiver

Just too late for 2021.8.4 :wink:

Tried it, errors I reported in fp are still gone with this version, so that’s nice.

Unfortunately I’m still experiencing funky stuff with state, can put it manually to on each time, but it goes to off after “almost” each command I throw at it. For now I’m giving up on Media Players and HA, this and the panasonic viera one (fixed in last release) were driving me nuts :smiley:

I hear ya regarding Media Players and HA. I have some automations using the AppleTV Media Player that have started acting super funky since the last few releases. After working all day coding and troubleshooting, I barely have the energy to chase down issues with my own system. :rofl:

By the looks of it, version 3.0 hasn’t been used in the releases of HA after 3.0 was released. Months ago I created an issue at Github adressing this issue, but there were no responses and it automatically closed. Anyone who can ensure the 3.0 is used in the next update of HA?

In the mean time I tried to edit the file, but in Docker I can’t find the right one. I’m finding a lot of files, probably from old containers, but I don’t know how to determine the active container files. Anyone who knows how to do this?

By 3.0 I assume you mean nad_receiver 0.3.0?

If you want to amend the code do

docker exec -it homeassistant bash

and you will be in the container. It is the manifest.json file for this integration that you want to change, not

Once you get it working, submit a PR.


Yes I meant nad_receiver 0.3.0.

I ran the command you proposed and after listing the contents of the directory, It doesn’t show the components folder, nor can I navigate into a folder. How to proceed? I searched for a general guide on Home Assistant on docker for commands, directory sructure etc. but I couldn’t find a guide or something. Still learning and appreciating any help.

Changing a directory cd

Find the file you want

find /|grep nad/manifest.json

Thanks! I got it working. Last time I didn’t sign in as root, hence I couldn’t see the root directories or cd into the right one.

For others: I changed the manifest.json (using vi) from:

  "domain": "nad",
  "name": "NAD",
  "documentation": "",
  "requirements": ["nad_receiver==0.2.0"],
  "codeowners": [],
  "iot_class": "local_polling"

to this:

  "domain": "nad",
  "name": "NAD",
  "documentation": "",
  "requirements": ["nad_receiver==0.3.0"],
  "codeowners": [],
  "iot_class": "local_polling"

After updating the file I restarted HA and now it works.

With PR, you mean a Pull Request? How do I do that?

There are plenty of guides to github on the net. But basically fork the repo, clone to yout local machine, make your change, push back to github.

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I went ahead and created a PR for this: Bump nad_receiver to version 0.3.0 by Kapernicus · Pull Request #58751 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Let’s see what happens. :slight_smile:

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Good news: as of 2021.11.0, Home Assistant Core is now using version 0.3.0 of nad_receiver. :grinning:


After the recent update, my NAD receiver has been showing a weird behavior where it doesn’t quite register that it is “on” properly, it intermittently shows as on/off for 10-30 seconds, kind of like it’s just responding to a ping? My automations which rely on checking if it is on stopped working, which is how I noticed. Anyone seeing anything similar? (using telnet protocol)

I’ve held off on upgrading since 2012.11.1, but I’m upgrading to .5 today. I’ll report back if I notice the same behavior.

I think it might have been a weird glitch, it’s been acting normal now

Hey guys, maybe a very stupid question but how do you install the nad integration? I can’t find it in HACS and on the github page I can’t find any info about how to install the integration? Do I just have to unzip the code in config/custom_components and configure via config.yaml?

Thanks for your reply, so basically the only thing to be done is making the configuration in config.yaml?

Yes that is how many integrations work.

Thanks for your help on setting the integration up. The integration now allows me to power on and off the NAD C375BEE amplifier I have. Volume control and muting the sound also works, however input source selection is not functioning. Does anyone know how I can debug this integration? I’m running HA 2022.8.2 on HAOS 8.4.

What are your attributes of the media_player entity? Look in states tab of developer tools.

These are the attributes I found for the entity:


  • CD
  • Raumfeld Living
  • TV
    icon: mdi:speaker-multiple
    friendly_name: 'NAD Versterker ’
    supported_features: 3468